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[ 英文 ]next December是什麼意思? . [ 英文 ]next time . [ 英文 ]請問next time與the next time的差別 . [ 西洋音樂 ]Next 2 You Lyrics是誰唱的? . [ 漫畫家 ]JUMP NEXT是什麼 . 更多 .其他回答(2) 意見(0) 相關評論(0) . 001 回答者: ≠逢′屌╮◎ ( 實習生 5 級 ) 回答時間: 2005-01-06 18:28:15 [ 檢舉 ] ..<> Need To Be Next To You Been running from these feelings for so long Telling my heart I didn't need it Pretending I was better off alone But I know that it's just a lie So afraid to take a chance again So afraid of what I feel inside I need to be next to you (next to you..) Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. I need share every breathe with you (share every breathe with you..) Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. I need to know I can see your smile each morning Lookng into your eyes each night For the rest of my life. Here with you near with you (oh I..) I need to be next to you... (Need to be... next to you) Right here with you is right where I belong I lose my mind if I can't see you Without you there is nothing in this life That would make life worth living for I can't bare the thought of you not there I can't fight what I feel anymore Cause... I need to be next to you (next to you..) Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. I need share every breathe with you (share every breathe with you..) Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. I need to know I can see your smile each morning Lookng into your eyes each night For the rest of my life. Here with you near with you (oh I..) I need to be next to you... (Need to be... next to you) I need to be next to you (need to be next to you...) Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. need to be need to be next to you... Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Share every breathe with you Ohh.. Ohh.. Oh.. I need to feel you in my arms babe... Ohh.. Ohh.. Oh.. (in my arms babe) I need to be next to you.... Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. 002 回答者: 彩虹˙佟 ( 初學者 4 級 ) 回答時間: 2005-01-06 18:31:25 [ 檢舉 ] ..Need To Be Next To You Been running from these feelings for so long Telling my heart I didn't need it Pretending I was better off alone But I know that it's just a lie So afraid to take a chance again So afraid of what I feel inside I need to be next to you (next to you..) Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. I need share every breathe with you (share every breathe with you..) Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. I need to know I can see your smile each morning Lookng into your eyes each night For the rest of my life. Here with you near with you (oh I..) I need to be next to you... (Need to be... next to you) Right here with you is right where I belong I lose my mind if I can't see you Without you there is nothing in this life That would make life worth living for I can't bare the thought of you not there I can't fight what I feel anymore Cause... I need to be next to you (next to you..) Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. I need share every breathe with you (share every breathe with you..) Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. I need to know I can see your smile each morning Lookng into your eyes each night For the rest of my life. Here with you near with you (oh I..) I need to be next to you... (Need to be... next to you) I need to be next to you (need to be next to you...) Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. need to be need to be next to you... Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Share every breathe with you Ohh.. Ohh.. Oh.. I need to feel you in my arms babe... Ohh.. Ohh.. Oh.. (in my arms babe) I need to be next to you.... Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. Ohh.. 我已經找到歌詞了,有好心人幫忙翻譯吧,我怕我翻的不好 參考資料: 歌詞轉載自歌詞帝國 http://www.kikikoko 1 目前沒有資料 發表意見發表意見字數已達上限,要改成發表評論嗎?. 發表 取消 . 目前沒有資料 我要評論 最新西洋音樂 發問中 已解決 .求~Loudermilk的Ash to ash歌詞翻譯 代开丹东酒店住宿髮票→15024255958万 代开大连酒店住宿髮票→15024255958万 LG Optimus G 廣告背景歌 崇 左 辦 假 証 件≤Q⒏⒐⒍⒌⒌⒈⒏⒍⒉≥証〓〓〓〓 更多 求影片裡的歌曲名 >< (急) 一首西洋樂 我想找一首饒舌歌 幫忙聽這首歌的歌名 女友要考驗我~請幫我找一首歌~女生唱的~西洋 更多 註冊 會員登入 .公告: 知識團員轉粉絲全數完成 . 刊登贊助網站•快來KKBOX一起聽音樂吧 www.kkbox.com 所有你想聽的音樂歌曲,都在KKBOX!立即註冊,Let's music www.kkbox.com •Galaxy演唱會 群星開唱 www.samsung.com 三星送你去看演唱會!田馥甄、伍佰、浩角翔起等歌手輪番上陣,立即登錄抽門票! www.samsung.com •兒童音樂才藝-打擊樂音樂教室 www.jpg.org.tw 不分性別年齡,輕鬆享受音樂樂趣!歡迎親子同樂,一同體驗朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統。 www.jpg.org.tw •鄭俊騰名琴-亞洲專業-音樂樂器 www.ctcrareviolins.com.tw 專營歐美世界著名小提琴、中提琴、大提琴及名弓,滿足所有音樂家、收藏及投資者。 www.ctcrareviolins.com.tw •婚禮音樂表演推薦-紐約大蘋果 www.nybigapple.com.tw 婚禮演奏專家!貼心規劃音樂主題、流程,專屬樂團、歌手,現在就來電預約浪漫! www.nybigapple.com.tw •音樂表演-必找Dorian www.domc.com.tw 藝人音樂會、記者會御用推薦,高水準爵士樂團,量身訂做風格,讓您活動無冷場! www.domc.com.tw. 精選關鍵字 ..BoA 鈴聲 歌曲排行榜 音樂會 歌名 舞曲 MV 饒舌 音樂劇 聯合公園 電影配樂 曲風 找歌 老歌 Remix 西洋歌 主題曲 夜店 樂團 英文歌 歌詞 HIP HOP 流行音樂 嘻哈 BLUE 碧昂絲 團體 情歌 歌手 翻譯 .知識搜尋 ...雅虎資訊 版權所有 (c) 2013 Yahoo! 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